One in Five Minds Breaks the Stigma Associated with Mental Illness

One in Five Minds Breaks the Stigma Associated with Mental Illness

Spring has arrived and with it, colorful blooms and shades of green are highlighting our streets. Parks are filling with little ones eager to make use of playscapes while fold-out chairs, bicycles, skateboards, and slip ‘n slides are making their way out from the darkest 

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for Stressed-Out Moms

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for Stressed-Out Moms

Don’t get me wrong, us Moms love all of the memories that macaroni art, acrylic handprints, and construction paper cards capture, but Stressed-Out Moms need a little bit more to make Mother’s Day really enjoyable. Making Mother’s Day enjoyable for a Stressed-Out Mom can include 

15 Best Shows to Binge Watch on Netflix and Amazon

15 Best Shows to Binge Watch on Netflix and Amazon

When you’re a WAHM of three, you don’t look at the weekends the same. Sure, Fridays are still as exciting as they were in your pre-kid days, but for a different reason- you might get in an extra hour of sleep on Saturday morning!! But 

40 Unique Gift Ideas for Wine Lovers

40 Unique Gift Ideas for Wine Lovers

It’s no secret that I love wine and judging from my audience/page views you guys love it, too! One would assume that it’s easy to buy for a wine lover, but that’s not always the case. We all have different tastes, so buying us a 

Find Your Calling

Find Your Calling

I wrote my first book when I was in 4th grade. It as titled, “Indiana Turtle and the Last Lillypad”. Ok- so we know where I got my inspiration from, but I was so proud of that book. In fact, I’ve managed to keep it 

Why You Need Imperfect Family Photos

Why You Need Imperfect Family Photos

It’s blue-bonnet season in San Antonio and while they’re popping up everywhere, so are photographer recommendations on various Facebook Mom Groups. Blue-bonnet family portraits are a thing here- and with good reason. They’re very pretty flowers that make for an incredible backdrop from which to 

Why You Need to Talk to Your Children About Child Abuse Right Now… and How

Why You Need to Talk to Your Children About Child Abuse Right Now… and How

Statistics have a way of putting things into perspective because they reveal the things we don’t outright see in everyday life. Unfortunately, statistics can reveal terrible truths that are hard to hear- especially when it comes to the welfare of children. Child Abuse Statistics One 

Making Time for Makeup as a Busy Mom

Making Time for Makeup as a Busy Mom

My regular makeup routine ended with the birth of my second child. What can I say? Motherhood just overwhelmed me and makeup fell to the bottom of my priority list. I always figured that eventually, I’d get myself back together…. and yet here we were, 

The Resolution Challenge: Losing Traction

The Resolution Challenge: Losing Traction

So it happened. I fell off the resolution wagon. I lost traction, slipped and fell. I’ve just been so involved in the blog and seriously slacking on finding a good balance between blog, brood, and life. Now don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love what 

Accepting Your Fate as a Minivan Mom

Accepting Your Fate as a Minivan Mom

With each new baby, comes change. Roles change, family dynamic changes, and priorities shift. A very dear friend of mine just had her fourth child. This baby girl is such a precious little bundle of joy and they are all completely in love with her! 

10 Ways to Make Friends in a New City

10 Ways to Make Friends in a New City

Coming from a family of immigrants, you’d think that I might have inherited some super gene that makes me adventurous, easily accepting of change, and impenetrable to shyness. Unfortunately, that gene must’ve skipped me. Accepting change hasn’t exactly been my strongest suit- regardless of how many 

The Resolution Challenge: Overcoming Obstacles

The Resolution Challenge: Overcoming Obstacles

Ok. So here we are, the third week into January… how are you doing? Are you rocking it?! Have you lost momentum? Are you just getting started? Have you encountered obstacles? Last week, we talked about how crucial Resolution Planning was. Having a plan can 

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