Find Your Calling

I wrote my first book when I was in 4th grade. It as titled, “Indiana Turtle and the Last Lillypad”. Ok- so we know where I got my inspiration from, but I was so proud of that book. In fact, I’ve managed to keep it along with all my other most treasured items in a bin that I’ve lugged around for years, but haven’t opened… until today. Today I realized that it is possible to find your calling… you just have to remember who you are.
Reliving my Childhood
When I opened up that bin, I was pleasantly surprised to find books that I’ve written over the years- many from my childhood- some handwritten with “fancy” lettering, and others typed up on a vintage manual typewriter I found in my grandmother’s basement. I loved that typewriter so much- and although it was in need of repairs, and produced an inky-mess of a manuscript, that manuscript was MINE, and that made me so happy. Looking at the messy, but finished products brought back a lot of fond memories of my childhood, and I can see how much writing was a big part of it.
As time went on, I kept writing- in my karate organization’s newsletter, my college newspaper, and in multiple binders and journals. Some are in the bin, others I threw out right before my husband and I got married. At the time, I guess I assumed that the next new chapter of my life was beginning, and that old part of me could be left behind.
But I was wrong.
What I didn’t realize then, was that I could never leave that part of me behind- no matter what was happening in my life.
Writing as an Adult
As an adult, I found myself writing a countless number of college essays, producing a decade’s worth of business writing, and having a relentless need to correct every single grammatical or spelling error that I came across- and I liked it all. I knew that writing was my thing. It had always been. I also knew that if I wanted a soul-satisfying career, I would need to pursue one in the writing world.
So in 2011, I started a blog. It never fully got off the ground because of my lack of expertise in technology and having to care for an infant. I lacked the time needed to learn that side of the blog world, so I became frustrated and scrapped it.
In 2014, I tried again, but off of the fly, and my rush to get it started hindered my ability to do it “right”. The blog title never fit well, the topic was off, and it wasn’t me. I found it hard to produce posts that I could truly be proud of, so I let it go.
In 2016, I had enough. I was determined to chase my dreams, and after much thought and consideration, I started Wine and Lavender- my youngest child, who has so graciously allowed me to write from the heart and has given me back what was always there- my love of writing.
The Next Chapter
I threw out that vintage typewriter right before the birth of my first child, and have regretted that choice ever since. Despite all the work needed to make it functional again, it would have been nice to keep it along with my childhood writings. To me, that typewriter was soul-saving in the sense that it allowed me to do what I love… But fast-forward to now, and I can see that it has been replaced with Wine and Lavender.
So much has happened in the past year of my life with Wine and Lavender (who turned 1 in February YAY!! Check out my first post here). I’m so happy to have started this journey, and although it’s taken a lot longer than expected, I’ve managed to do what pleases my soul. I firmly believe that it happened at precisely the right time, and for a reason because not only has Wine and lavender satiated my appetite to write, it’s opened my world to more opportunities…
So what’s my point in all of this?
Here are 3 things to contemplate when trying to find your calling:
1. You cannot escape what you are. For me, this is a writer. I’ve always been and will forever continue to be- no matter what is happening in my life.
2. Always do what you love. I don’t make a lot of money, drive a fancy car, or indulge in the things that I probably would if I accepted a soul-draining, but lucrative job. But I am rich in happiness. My heart and soul are in what I do, and they are happy- in a way that material items could never satisfy.
3. You shouldn’t give up on what you love. It’s taken me years and years to get here, but I got here, and the journey has been worth it. I know life doesn’t always allow us the luxury to seek out what we really want to do, but if you trust in yourself, believe, and try hard enough, you can make anything happen.
What’s Next?
Recently, my first in-print article was published in San Antonio Woman Magazine, a city-wide magazine. Check my article out here. I’m above ecstatic to see my name in print, and the fact that it has been distributed to thousands of readers has filled my heart with joy- tremendously.
I feel like I’ve taken a superfood combination of vitamins and feel revitalized. Don’t get me wrong- my life, to include my husband and our beautiful three children, bring me an abundance of joy each and every waking moment, but my writing brings me a different kind of soul-gratifying joy. One that I cannot live without, and I could not have accomplished this without starting small- with this blog.
What YOU Need to do…
So while you’re navigating your way through life and are pushed and pulled in a million different directions- don’t give up on what makes you, YOU. Even if you’re starting out small, find your “typewriter” and write the manuscript of your life. Don’t ever give up, regardless of how long it takes, and seek out what makes you happy, and make it a reality.
I never thought that I would be able to get back into writing with all of the regular life-obstacles in place, but with a little hard work and persistence, (and a couple of Pinterest searches on blogging), I’ve managed to make my childhood dreams come true… And my book just started…
What's your passion? Here's how to find your calling and where to start. #happylife Share on X
By the way- if you’re looking for a writer, let me know how I can help! Visit my Work With Me page.
What has been a passion of yours since your childhood? If you could do anything, what would your dream job be? What’s stopping you from chasing it?
Congrats Pam! I love that you still have your old writing from when you were younger! the typewriter would have been so cool! Congrats on your first publication .. I’m sure it’s the first of many! Your writing comes across so real and genuine!
Awww Thank you so much for the kind words Marisa!! It was nice to look back and remember what motivates me/satisfies my soul and it’s been great working to get there!!