One Mom’s Trash is Another Mom’s Treasure

One Mom’s Trash is Another Mom’s Treasure

You know that baby swing you’ve had your eye on? The soft and cushy one that rotates, swings, vibrates, and plays music? The one that pretty much does ANY and ALL things that involve distracting a fussy infant? Well, what if I told you that $150 luxury item can be yours for as low as $50? It won’t be new, but it’s likely to be in “like new” or “excellent used condition”.

Doesn’t a third of the price sound great?

Let’s face it, the weight restrictions on these baby swings far exceed the size of baby we put in there. My “little” guy was four months old when he became too tall for, (and bored of) our soft and comfy swing.

Four months.

That’s how long we were able to use it, and $150 seems like a lot to pay for an item that’s so temporary and totally dependent on the child. Some children don’t even like swings, and that’s the risk you are taking when you buy new. (Check out my post on 10 Smart Baby Buys to see what you REALLY need for baby).

One Mom’s Trash is Another Mom’s Treasure

A great way to save the money is to buy used. Since items like swings are so temporary, they tend to stay in great condition. The baby using it can barely lift their head, so destroying a giant swing is unlikely. The soft material is removable, washable, and you can always find a user’s manual online.

You can save yourself hundreds by buying used baby items- and guess what? The babies don’t care! They’re not taking note of the used items you bought, to use against you later in life, so no need to feel guilty. It doesn’t mean you love them any less.

One moms trash is another moms treasure

Selling New Items

Now, let’s say you have an item that was a baby shower gift, given to you by a generous guest, and you’d like to save it for the next baby? While that’s a great idea, I’d still say, “sell it”.

Why? Well first of all, where are you storing this bulky baby item over the next two years? Your garage will end up looking like a Babies R Us war zone!

Secondly, by the time other babies come, so will newer models. You can sell your swing today for a great price, and when you end up needing another, you can buy a newer model for a great price, too- with no baby clutter in between.

Finally, don’t forget all that extra cash that could be earning interest until then- you can save it, or put it into savings for the baby.

Clear the baby clutter and make money!! #momlife Share on X

Which Items to Buy/Sell

At this point, you’re probably asking yourself which items you should sell. Well, in addition to baby swings, there are so many items that you really don’t need to hold on to (and shouldn’t- unless you know you’re having another like-gendered baby REALLY soon).

Here’s a quick list of big items that can be bought at a consignment store, at a garage sale, or on a Sales Site that are generally in good condition:

  • Swings
  • Strollers
  • Walkers
  • Wagons
  • Tricycles
  • Ride on toys
  • Activity tables
  • Baby toys in general
  • EUC Clothes
  • Baby Shoes

All of these items can be cleaned, washed, sanitized, etc… without spending the extra money and/or taking up storage space. Again, remember that the little ones using these items aren’t big enough to ruin them and a little TLC can go a long way. You can easily restore these items to like-new condition in most cases, and no one would ever know the difference.

If you have items to get rid of or are in need of baby items, try buying and selling online. I think you’ll find it to be fun and great for your pocket!! You’ll quickly learn that one Mom’s trash is another Mom’s treasure! What kind of great deals have you gotten when buying/selling used baby items?

***I don’t suggest buying car seats used, as you have no way of knowing for certain if they’ve been in an accident. If it has been in an accident, this compromises the integrity of the car seat. Safety first!! Go ahead and splurge on the car seat (or put it on your registry).***

Pamela is a Freelance Writer, Blogger, WAHM of 3, and Veteran Military Wife living in Southwest Texas. Raised in the Northeast and having lived a few years in the Pacific Northwest, she likes to write about mom life, parenting, frugal living, experiences, and WINE. (Lots of wine!) When she’s not busy chasing toddlers around, you can find her on the blog or on social media. Check her out on Instagram:

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