Life With Paleo

Life With Paleo

This post contains affiliate links. This means if you purchase through these links, you’re supporting Wine and Lavender, at no cost to you- and I thank you for your support! All opinions are my own. 

The opinions on health contained here are also my own, and should not be used as a substitute for seeking a professional medical opinion. Consulting with your doctor before making ANY major lifestyle change that can affect your health is imperative. 

Life With Paleo

So… I decided to heed my doctor’s advice and start the Paleo diet (Find out why in Life Before Paleo). I didn’t know what to eat, though- so research was the first thing on my list of things to do.

I started off with Pinterest, created a Paleo Board, and quickly started collecting paleo recipes. From there, I created a menu of selected recipes for the week and a shopping list. This was one of the most helpful things to do because I didn’t have to worry about what I was going to eat. Having a plan kept me from starving and making bad choices.

As far as where to pick up ingredients… as I discussed in Life Before Paleo, there are so many supermarkets that offer healthy choices now, and even more whole-foods-selling markets popping up everywhere. My local HEB had most of the ingredients I needed (but never knew about until I started looking for them), and I found affordable and easy Paleo snacks online, too.

Paleo: The First Week

The first week was tough, but each subsequent week got better. Some of the recipes I chose I wasn’t completely sold on, but I definitely found some delicious keeper-recipes, too.

But I needed to dig a little deeper.

I needed to understand the diet, the process, what was going on in my body, and of course, if I was doing it right. I started looking up Paleo, the science/theory behind it and some of the big names in the Paleo world.

I came across a book, that came highly recommended- Practical Paleo by Dianne San Filippo. It contained everything I was looking for and more. It clearly defined Paleo, provided amazing guides (for those of us who need to see things clearly laid out) and recipes. Now, I can’t speak for the recipes, as I’ve never tried any of them (Pinterest was pretty efficient in that area), but the wealth of information was exactly what I needed to get started.

In fact, I quickly found out that some of the recipes that I had found on Pinterest weren’t actually true Paleo. So if Pinterest is your next stop, beware. Study up on Paleo first and then dig through Pinterest or you can check out my Paleo Board for real Paleo recipes.

Paleo: The First Month

The first month went by quickly. I was so busy menu planning and food shopping that the time escaped me. I also made a point to get on the treadmill daily. It was a lot of work, but I was able to stick to it. Why? Because it was WORKING! I felt good! I wasn’t as tired. My mood swings weren’t insane, and I wasn’t starving all day. I was getting the hang of this Paleo thing- and loving it.

I lost 10 pounds.

AND we saved some money. My menu-planning was keeping us on track (and from eating out), and we weren’t wasting any food because we used everything we had. However, I should tell you that some of the items you need to start a Paleo diet are not cheap. Ghee, almond butter, almond flour, coconut flour, coconut oil, raw honey… all these things add up. Another issue was that not ALL of the things required of a Paleo diet were available at the supermarket we frequent (the one closest to home), so I found myself traveling a little further to get the items that I needed to make Paleo work. When I got sick of traveling, I started looking online…

Another issue was that not ALL of the things required of a Paleo diet were available at the supermarket we frequent (the one closest to home), so I found myself traveling a little further to get the items that I needed to make Paleo work. When I got sick of traveling, I started looking online…

Thrive Market

Life on the Paleo Diet

Luckily, I found a website, Thrive Market, where I can buy discounted, natural, and organic products. I used my supermarket’s app to price compare and although there isn’t a huge difference in price, it does save me a trip and money- as you could compare it to coupon shopping. A few cents to a dollar off here and there really adds up. I’m also saving time, money on gas, and the fact that I’m not tempted to buy anything else adds up, too.

Shipping is free on orders $49 or more and that makes it worth it to me. The link above is a referral link, but please know that I am not recommending the website solely because I get a kickback if you sign up (and btw- for anyone that signs up through your link and becomes a paying customer, you get a credit, too). Do the research yourself- compare the prices with your supermarket- or compare to the amazon links I posted above, and I am sure you will come to agree that it’s well worth it!!  Plus, there aren’t too many places that conveniently offer Paleo snacks, so it deserves a look.

Do the research yourself- compare the prices with your supermarket- or compare to the amazon links I posted above, and I am sure you will come to agree that it’s well worth it!!  Plus, there aren’t too many places that conveniently offer Paleo snacks, so it deserves a look.

Paleo: The Second Month

Two months into Paleo and I feel great. I’m glowing, my skin feels good (BONUS!) and the nausea is gone. I’m proud to say that I’ve mustered up enough energy to begin a workout regimen and the fat seems to be melting away.

I’ve slowly worked tortillas and other things back into my home for my family to enjoy (sparingly), but not for me. I no longer have the temptation because I like being this person. I like playing with my kids AND having the laundry done. I like having energy, looking better, and most of all, feeling better!

I’ll admit that I indulge on pizza every now and then, but in smaller servings, and not nearly as often.  I often suffer the next day because of it. My body swells- including my face, feet, hands and that big belly I am trying so hard to get rid of. I’ll feel sluggish and just overall lazy. And yet, sometimes I still do it… I guess some habits are hard to break, no matter what- but moderation is key.

It is crazy to think that I never before realized the effect this type of food had on me! More recently, though, the thought of feeling like that the next day is enough to keep it all out of my hands (and mouth!).

Paleo has not been easy to get used to, but with the help of Thrive Market and Pinterest, I’ve started what could be a lifestyle change. It’s worked for me, but everyone is different, so before starting a diet like this, do your research and consult your doctor first.

My bottom line is if you feel crummy, don’t wait as long as I did. What you put into your body affects it tremendously- good or bad. Your diet may be the root of all your problems.

One month into #paleo and I was feeling great! Check out the paleo experience here: Share on X

Find out what led me to change to a Paleo diet in Life Before Paleo and get some quick tips on getting fit in my Resolution Challenge series.

Have you tried the Paleo Diet? What are your thoughts?

Pamela is a Freelance Writer, Blogger, WAHM of 3, and Veteran Military Wife living in Southwest Texas. Raised in the Northeast and having lived a few years in the Pacific Northwest, she likes to write about mom life, parenting, frugal living, experiences, and WINE. (Lots of wine!) When she’s not busy chasing toddlers around, you can find her on the blog or on social media. Check her out on Instagram:

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