Life Before Paleo

One of the most important things going on in my life right now is getting healthy. I’m working out, eating right, and feeling so good!! I want to tell everyone about it because I’ve finally found something that actually works for me…
Paleo works for me.
Before Paleo
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The opinions on health contained here are also my own, and should not be used as a substitute for seeking a professional medical opinion. Consulting with your doctor before making ANY major lifestyle change that can affect your health is imperative.
For the longest time, (actually since I got pregnant with my third baby 27 months ago…) I felt so sick and exhausted all the time. Nausea, moodiness and exhaustion ruled my life. My cholesterol was through the roof and my triglycerides high. I couldn’t fit into any of my clothes and just looked unproportioned.
It was horrible, and I felt horrible.
After much self-shaming, coercing from my concerned husband, grief from my doctor, and a situation involving what I thought was a heart attack- I decided to try and get fit. My biggest hurdle was the fact that I lacked the energy and strength needed to start, and stick, with a diet and fitness plan.
My doctor acknowledged that years of slowly depleting, and not replenishing, my nutrient stores is what had gotten me into this rut. She stressed the only way to correct it would be to take a multivitamin, fill up on nutrient dense foods, and exercise… This is where Paleo came into my life.
What is Paleo?
My doctor said that Paleo could provide me with nutrient-dense meals, which, would in turn, supply me with the energy needed to exercise. I didn’t know much about Paleo, except that it was a diet that in centered around what our caveman ancestors would have survived on… meat and vegetables.
Actually, there’s a little bit more to Paleo than that, but that is the general idea. First, let me say that any diet encouraging you to eat mostly vegetables can’t be bad for you. We all know that vegetables offer us so many health benefits- to include cancer-fighting properties. There is much debate on the meat topic, and I will allow you to be the judge of what’s right for you in that department, but I will say that cutting out processed foods, starches, carbs, and dairy have made a huge difference for me.
Finding Paleo Foods
It may not be as convenient as today’s fast snacks and foods, but you learn as you go, and make the proper adjustments in your life (like meal planning). Ingredients used to be a little more difficult to come by, but a lot of supermarkets are now offering healthier products, and store like Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods are popping up everywhere. In addition to this, there are plenty of online sources to get Paleo foods, like Thrive Market (you’ll hear more about this in the next post, Life With Paleo).
The obstacle of eating Paleo isn’t so much finding the food, it’s finding the time to plan (do you have an hour a week?), and coming to accept a lifestyle change. But once you start eating better- via the Paleo diet or any other diet that helps you reach your diet and fitness goals- you’ll start feeling better. You’ll have more energy, and you’ll find yourself doing things you didn’t think were possible.
In my case, I made the change from sick, unhappy, me to energetic, happy me because of the change in my diet. I firmly believe that you are what you eat. I used to be a burger and fries with Pepsi and some Pretzel Crisps- food that took more from by body to digest than it gave back in nutrients. Now I’m made of delicious grass-fed meat, nutritious yummy veggies, and am filled with spark, energy, and happiness.
While it was not an easy transition, it was definitely worth the sacrifice. I started the Paleo diet in January 2016. I have since lost 10 pounds and a few inches here and there as of 2/28/16. I’ll admit- I’m not perfect and have strayed a little at times, but having been Paleo a majority of the time, has shown me how much my body reacts to the food I eat.
Continue on to Life with Paleo to learn more about Paleo and my journey.
Stop eating food that takes more to digest than it gives back! Check out my #paleo experience here: Share on XI’d love to hear if you’ve tried the Paleo diet, what worked for you, and if you have great recipes to share. Please comment below.
Glad I found this! I’ve danced with the idea of Paleo for a while and reading this really helps me get motivated. The meal planning is something I’m used to, but it’s hard to try and live Paleo when the rest of your house (especially the husband) isn’t interested. But the more I can get myself towards the Paleo diet, the better it will be for me!
Hey Sarah! Thanks for stopping by! The first couple of weeks are the hardest (especially when you’re the only one in the house on the diet), but the first time you stray from Paleo and see what it does to your body- that’s enough to keep you on track! Also, there are A LOT of great Paleo recipes that mimic non-Paleo foods, that are just as yummy!!