36 Gift Ideas for Guys

36 Gift Ideas for Guys

So Christmas is fast approaching and (once again), you’re at a loss for gift ideas for your guy. Whether your “guy” is your friend, boyfriend, husband, brother or father- buying gifts for guys isn’t always easy…

Now we can always play the “What should I get him?” game, and I could suggest things like shirts, ties, shoes, jackets, etc… but in reality, men are as excited to see those types of gifts under the Christmas tree as they are to go shopping with you.

Unless they’ve specified otherwise, getting guys gifts like that is just the same as them getting you a vacuum, pots & pans or any other domestic item that screams “unthoughtful”.

Ask the Guys Themselves

So I came up with an idea… WHY NOT JUST ASK THEM WHAT THEY WANT? That’s the “guy” thing to do, right? Just get to the point?

And sure, you could go ask them yourselves- but it ruins the element of surprise. Also, you might get all the runaround answers like, “I don’t need anything”, “I have you, that’s all I need”, “I don’t want to spend the money”, etc…

So I solved this year’s Christmas mystery for you and asked several men in my neighborhood and in my close circle, what they REALLY want for Christmas. These men all fit within the 30 to 60 year-old age range, so if your guy fits in there… do I have a cheat sheet for you!

But before we dive in- Just a reminder that of course, all men are different- some into sports, some into fitness, video games, books, hunting, etc… so this list isn’t a one size fits all, but I think it’s a good starting point and diverse enough to possibly find something for one of your “guys”.Gifts for Guys

This post contains affiliate links, which means that when you make a purchase through these links, you are supporting Wine and Lavender- at no cost to you- and I appreciate that so much! My opinions are my own.

Gift Ideas for Guys:

  1. Gun(s) (Depending on where you live, this might not be easy to get.)
  2. Ammo
  3. Tattoos
  4. “Scotch. Like, all of the Scotch.” (Here’s a cute glass to go with it.)
  5. “A good bottle of booze.”
  6. Comic Books
  7. TV
  8. Video games
  9. Home Audio Equipment
  10. Tools
  11. Home Depot Gift Card
  12. Lowe’s Gift Cards
  13. O’Reilly’s Gift Card
  14. Auto Zone Gift Card
  15. Truck/car accessories
  16. Headers for his car
  17. Bass Pro Shops Gift Card
  18. Fishing equipment
  19. Hunting accessories
  20. Tickets to Sporting events
  21. Subscription to televised Games/Sporting events
  22. Food (LOL)
  23. Gift card to Sports bar and Guys/Game Night Out Pass
  24. Wood flooring
  25. Running Shoes
  26. iPod
  27. Navigation
  28. Heart Rate monitor
  29. FitBit
  30. Weights
  31. Weight/Exercise system
  32. Gym membership
  33. iPad
  34. Apple Watch
  35. Watch
  36. Sunglasses


Great #gift ideas for guys- from the mouths of men themselves! Share on X

So there you have it… 36 Gift Ideas for the Guy(s) in Your Life… from the mouths of men, themselves. I did get some other answers that were somewhat unrealistic, like “car”, “boat” and “ATVs”, but decided not to add them to the list because I was gearing towards more affordable options. But if you can afford those this Christmas…

If your guy is a wine lover, also check out 40 Unique Gift Ideas for Wine Lovers .

Has this list helped you in your search for the perfect gift? Do you know what you’ll be getting your Guy(s)? Have anything to add to the list? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below! Happy Holiday Shopping!!

Pamela is a Freelance Writer, Blogger, WAHM of 3, and Veteran Military Wife living in Southwest Texas. Raised in the Northeast and having lived a few years in the Pacific Northwest, she likes to write about mom life, parenting, frugal living, experiences, and WINE. (Lots of wine!) When she’s not busy chasing toddlers around, you can find her on the blog or on social media. Check her out on Instagram: instagram.com/wineandlavender

2 thoughts on “36 Gift Ideas for Guys”

  • I bought my husband a gun with money I made from my blog! 🙂 I’m so excited I was able to get that for him, but he knows about it since he had to grab it from Academy, lol. So thanks for these ideas because I need to get him something extra!

    • Hahahaha! Whether he had to pick it up or not, I bet he’s glad he got that for Christmas, though!! Glad you liked the list!

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