6 Reasons to De-Clutter Your Casa

ISO. EUC. NWT. POMS. PPU. If you know what these acronyms are, then you are already savvy to one of the easiest ways to de-clutter your casa and make money while doing it…
Your weapon of choice? The internet. There are so many sites from which you can sell the items you no longer need or want. Ebay, Craigslist, Amazon, Varage Sale, ThredUp, OfferUp, Etsy, Nextdoor, 5miles, Facebook… There are so many out there nowadays, it’s really all up to personal preference.
If you haven’t sold anything online yet, what are you waiting for? Clean out that garage, attic, or closet and get some cash!! It’s a win, win!!
6 Reasons to De-clutter Your Casa
- You’ll make money. (Ka-Ching!!)
- You’ll save money. Your hard earned cash doesn’t go to waste on items you’ll only need temporarily. Also, if you start to buy on these sites, you’ll be able to pick up items at a major discount than buying new… Babies grow so quick, there’re tons of items that can be reused multiple times.
- When you sell your gently used items- you’re recycling/reusing and keeping that stuff out of our landfills, thus making the world a little “greener”.
- You are helping others in your own community.
- You’re decluttering your home and life, which creates for a much more calm and happy Momma.
- It is a great way for Moms to meet Moms- especially on the children’s items sites- and I’ve never met a Mom who didn’t agree that it’s hard to make friends as an adult.
Where to Start
So where to start? Here are some places that I’m sure you’ll find need a good going through:
Master Bedroom Closet: I know that some of the things you keep on hangers are really just “memories”… You’ve kept them long enough. I’m sure you’ll fit into it again one day, but you can also treat yourself to something new when you do!
Kids closets: If it doesn’t fit, get rid of it.
The Playroom: Keep age appropriate things and pass along the others. (One Mom’s Trash is Another Mom’s Treasure).
Attic/Basement: If you don’t use it, you need to reconsider whether you really need it.
Garage: Keep the cars, but sell the clutter.
Kitchen: If you are moving and don’t want to take your unopened food items along- don’t throw them out. I’ve sold my whole pantry on Facebook in the past!
Hey #Mom! Get organized & make money selling your clutter online! Find out how: Share on X
De-cluttering makes you more organized, makes life easier, makes you a little money, may make you a friend or two, and will overall make you happy. Have you given it some thought? Not sure where to start on the technical side? Be sure to see my post on Online Buy Sell Trade Basics.
Which space in your home needs the most de-cluttering? What does your family tend to hoard? Let me know in the comments below.