Tag: keeping resolutions

The Resolution Challenge: Losing Traction

The Resolution Challenge: Losing Traction

So it happened. I fell off the resolution wagon. I lost traction, slipped and fell. I’ve just been so involved in the blog and seriously slacking on finding a good balance between blog, brood, and life. Now don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love what 

The Resolution Challenge: Overcoming Obstacles

The Resolution Challenge: Overcoming Obstacles

Ok. So here we are, the third week into January… how are you doing? Are you rocking it?! Have you lost momentum? Are you just getting started? Have you encountered obstacles? Last week, we talked about how crucial Resolution Planning was. Having a plan can 

The Resolution Challenge

The Resolution Challenge

For the last few years, I’ve had the same list of New Year’s resolutions: Lose Weight Get Healthy Save Money Sound familiar? I’m pretty sure that these self-improvement resolutions are probably at the top of everyone’s lists. I’ve come to learn that if it’s on